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Garrett Dickerson Headshot


I live in Middle Tennessee with my wife, Kristin, and our three sons, Anders, Garron, and William. Kristin and I are alumni of Lipscomb University where we each completed our undergraduate and graduate work with the College of Business and the College of Education. Kristin currently serves as a proud member of the faculty of our secondary-level alma mater, Goodpasture Christian School. I serve clients across the United States in a full-time capacity as a financial advisor and consultant. Apart from my full-time role, I also serve as a professional speaker, author, content creator, and leadership coach.

In my career, I have served as a teacher and coach, the Director of Marketing and Communication for a national on-site healthcare company, and a football official for the CUSA, ASUN, OVC, and Mid-South conferences. I have also volunteered my time to serving as a deacon for our various church communities and as a Board Member of Living Sent Ministries, a ministry focused on encouraging and equipping people to connect Sunday to Monday by living out discipleship in their professional lives. Kristin and I are also the co-founders of The Grant James Foundation, an organization that operates as the benefactor to ministries serving families impacted by infertility and miscarriage. We have developed a heart for this community through our experience of infertility and losing our fourth son, Grant James, to miscarriage.


I firmly believe everything we have is a gift from God, and our responsibility is to use our time, talents, and treasures to the best of our ability for Him. No matter our occupation, our vocation is to love God, love people, and love people so much we can't help but tell them how much God loves them. I would welcome sharing more about how God has opened doors to me in all aspects of my life to develop as a leader and influence His Kingdom. I would welcome connecting with you personally, your church congregation, your organization, or your audience. I look forward to meeting you, hearing your story, and influencing the Kingdom together.


The Grant James Foundation Logo

Soon after Kristin and I were married, I was diagnosed with a genetic disorder we were told would limit our ability to start a family through traditional means. We experienced tests, procedures, and substantial medical costs to begin our family. In those moments, we felt alone, we felt torn between choosing a dream we had together and the mental, emotional, relational, and financial burdens that decision brought. However, through that experience, we were blessed with four amazing boys we feel we have been purposed to raise as mighty men of God. 

In February of 2019, we were brought through a challenge we wish no family had to face. We lost one of our boys, Grant James, through miscarriage. Again, in many ways, we felt alone. In that moment, together in the emergency room, we felt no one could have ever experienced the pain we were feeling. However, in our pain, we found understanding. Being Grant’s parents has encouraged us to understand we were not alone. We had so many people love and supported us through these challenging moments. Unfortunately, many families are impacted through similar challenges each year, and we want to pay forward the love and support we were shown. This is the mission and vision for The Grant James Foundation.


Infertility and miscarriage are pieces of our story that have given us a unique appreciation and passion for supporting and protecting the gift of Life.

Infertility, Miscarriage and Abortion are unfortunate pieces of our culture that often are not talked about or made known. However, 13% of couples in the United States experience infertility in some form and 6.1 million women in the United States have difficulty becoming or staying pregnant. As many as 50% of ALL pregnancies and 1 out of 4 KNOWN pregnancies end in miscarriage, with many being undiagnosed causes. The most recent statistics show there are over 98 abortions in the United States per hour. Which means, 18% of KNOWN pregnancies end with abortion.


While our hearts both grieve and feel blessed each day for Grant, we have chosen to start a launch and lead a foundation on his behalf. Our prayers and passions have led us to this effort to operate the Grant James Foundation as the benefactor to organizations that will initially be focused in three areas…

  • Providing resources for and ministering to those families impacted by infertility.

  • Serving and ministering to those impacted by miscarriage, while raising awareness about the emotional, spiritual, and physical impact of miscarriage, and supporting research to better understand the causes and frequency of miscarriage.

  • Supporting the choice for life and ministering through that choice, as well as ministering through the post trauma of an abortion, and providing advocacy for abortion survivors.


On behalf of Kristin, Anders, Garron, William, and The Grant James Foundation, we greatly appreciate you taking the time to read this story of Grant James and his Foundation. If it is put on your heart to support The Grant James foundation, please share our message and contribute financially to our cause. Please see the information below for how you can currently make tax-advantaged donations to The Grant James Foundation.


To anyone experiencing or has experienced infertility, miscarriage, considering, or has been impacted by abortion, you are not alone. We know in these moments you feel like you are the only person or family in the World experiencing what you are being challenged with. We earnestly share with you, you are not. Please make your challenges known. Courageously ask for support and help. We will be working diligently to help in whatever way we can. No matter how alone you may feel, we are here to love you as Christ loves all of us and God wants a relationship with you…He is running to you. Please reach out to us by emailing me at


 We thank each and every person that has supported our family over the years and will support us moving forward. Thank you!


The Grant James Foundation Venmo QR Code

Donations can also be made via check to "The Grant James Foundation" and mailed to 600 Giacomo Court, Gallatin, TN 37066.

The Living Sent Ministries Logo

I am honored to serve on the Board of Directors of Living Sent Ministries. The purpose of Living Sent Ministries is to inspire and equip business and professional leaders to live out their Christian faith. It is about “Connecting Sunday to Monday”. A core principle of Living Sent Ministries is that God gave you your business or job (vocation) to build the Kingdom. If you would like to learn more about Living Sent Ministries please visit our website with this link... Living Sent Ministries You can learn more about how we are executing on our mission and make a donation support our ministry. 

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